

林定期能初回 Hayashi Teiki Noh (The First Perfomance of the year)

2017年 114日 (土) 12:00開演(開場11:20)

能「養老」 Noh "Yourou"



Shite: Koutarou Kawamura

狂言「呼声」 Kyogen "Yobigoe"


Shite: Senzaburo Shigeyama

能「胡蝶」 Noh "Kochou"


Shite: Kiemon Hayashi

京都観世会館 Kyoto Kanze Kaikan
一般前売¥4,000 一般当日¥4,500 学生前売り¥2,000 学生当日¥2,500 Advance ¥4,000 At the Door ¥4,500 Students Advance ¥2,000 Students At the Door ¥2,500


Soichiro Hayashi will perform as "Shimai" in "Funabenkei" and as "Koken" in Noh "Kochou". ・All seats are general admission.

・The performance is scheduled to end at 4:30p.m.

・Those who order tickets online will receive the tickets on the day of performance, so please give your name and say you have the tickets on hold at the reception desk. You can enter the theatre after paying the ticket fee.


旅僧(ワキ)が吉野から都へ出て一条大宮あたりに梅が今を盛りと咲いているのを眺めていると、都の女(前シテ)がやってくる。シテはその梅のいわれを語り、自分は実は胡蝶であると語る。そして「この梅の木の下に宿り下さったら夢に必ず現れましょう」と言って姿を消す。その夜僧が読誦していると、胡蝶の精(後シテ)が僧の夢の中に現れ、法華経の功徳によって梅の花への執着も消えたと、梅に戯れる喜びを舞う。こうして胡蝶は歌舞の菩薩の面影を残し、明け方の春霞に紛れて消えていく。 Noh "Yourou"
This is a Waki Noh-Mono* written by Zeami based on the legend of Yourou Waterfalls listed in Jikkinshou, a collection of stories from the Kamakura Period (the end of the 12th century to the mid 14th century). The Emperor Yuryaku, who heard that a miraculous fountain has sprung up in Mino Province, sends an imperial messenger. The messenger descends to the place and meets an old man and his son (Shite・Tsure) who named the miraculous fountain "Yourou." The messenger asks the reason for it and they say the old man was healed both physically and mentally after drinking the water from the fountain and that made him pleased. The son also tells the messenger he was bestowed this wonder-working fountain because he took good care of his father and he guides the messenger to the fountain. Furthermore, the old man cites the proverb related to longevity and water and praises the water. Then, a sound of music starts around the waterfall and the flowers start falling down from the sky and the extraordinary atmosphere surrounds the area. Before long, Yamagami, a god of a mountain, (Ato Shite) appears and praises the peace reign of the emperor and goes back to heaven dancing along with Shinto music. The healing water means sake, and this is a celebrational performance featuring the joy and the devotion to the miraculous fountain.

.* Waki Noh-Mono
When Noh-plays are categorized depending on the plot, this is the one featuring God and celebrates the peace that reigns in the country. By categorizing depending on the plot, it is about the role of Shite. There are also “Man, Woman, Maniac, Demon” and these are collectively called “Gobandate”.

Noh "Kochou"
Kochou means butterflies. Butterflies have no luck with plum blossoms that bloom in early spring. This is a piece for early spring that make the butterflies’ (who deplore their fate and desires to play with with plum blossoms) wish come true by using the Buddhism power. A priest (Waki) comes to Kyoto from Yoshino and an urban lady (Mae Shite) comes to him while he is viewing the plums blossoming in all their glory around Ichijo Ohmiya. Shite tells a legend of the plum and also reveals she is actually a butterfly. Then she disappears saying "If you stay over a night under this plum tree, I will definitely appear in your dream." While the priest recites the sutra that night, a spirit of the butterfly (Ato Shite) appears in the priest's dream and says her obsession toward the plum blossoms vanished thanks to the blessing of the Lotus sutra and she dances the joy of playing with plums. Thus, Kochou, the buttterfly, leaves the impression of the Bodhisattva of songs and dance and disappears in the spring haze at dawn.



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