第四回 宗一郎の会 The 4th Soichiro no Kai
2017年 11月 25日 (土) 13:30開演(開場12:30)
- 演目
Shimai "Shunned"
Koume Hayashi
仕舞「邯鄲」 Shimai "Kantan"林彩子
Ayako Hayashi
狂言「千鳥」 Kyoden "Chidori"茂山逸平
Ippei Shigeyama
仕舞「遊行柳」 Shimai "Yugyouyanagi"片山九郎右衛門
Kuroemon Katayama
舞囃子「戀重荷」 Mibayashi "Koinoomoni"観世清和
Kiyokazu Kanze
能「安宅 勧進帳 瀧流之伝」 Noh "Ataka"林宗一郎
Souichiro Hayashi
- 料金
- S席(正面指定席):完売 A席(脇正面指定席):¥8,000 B席(中正面指定席):¥7,000 自由席(2F席):¥3,000
兄・源頼朝と不仲になり山伏の姿で都落ちをした義経と弁慶達十二人。安宅の関にて富樫某の吟味を受ける。偽の山伏は通さぬという富樫の詮議から逃れる為、弁慶は、勤行(ごんぎょう)を行い、勧進帳を読み上げ、主君の義経を金剛杖で打ちつけ奮闘する。その勢いに富樫もとうとう一行を通すのであった。しかし、関を越えたはずの弁慶達を富樫は更に追ってくる。関所での無礼を詫びるため、酒を持ってきたのであった。弁慶は決して怪しまれるなと皆に言い含め、富樫に所望された延年の舞を豪快に舞い、舞い終わるや否や一行と陸奥へと逃れていくのであった。 Yoshitsune, Benkei and the other twelve servants who were exiled from the capital in *yamabushi outfits due to the discord with Yoshitsune’s brother Mianmoto no Yoritomo get questioned closely by Togashi at the checkpoint in Ataka. In order to get away with the investigation of Togashi, who says he won't let the fake yamabushi go through, Benkei struggles giving the religious service, reading out the **kanjincho, and beating his master, Yoshitsune, with a cane. Togashi finally decides to let the group go through for its vigor. However, Togashi follows Benkei and the group who should’ve been allowed to pass the checkpoint. He brought them sake to apologize for his rudeness at the checkpoint. Benkei tells everyone beforehand never to be suspected, wildly performs a dance Togashi asked for, then escapes to ***Mutsu with his group as soon as he finishes the dance.
Those who have faith and train believing that god spirits inhabit the mountains. It is believed that they will gain supernatural power from training in the deep mountains, and they could be believers who are laymen or monks and priests who belong to temples and so on.
A subscription list of donations for the construction and repair of temples, shrines and sub-temples, especially one founded to commemorate the death of a high priest.
Area located in Northeast of Japan today.